At Chichester District Foodbank, we’re deeply committed to supporting our community, not just through food assistance but also by nurturing the spiritual well-being of our volunteers, staff, and all those who walk through our doors. We recognise that for many of us, prayer is a vital source of strength – an essential practice for seeking guidance, calming anxious minds, building deeper connections, and finding the resolve to bring about meaningful change.
That’s why we’re excited to introduce a new initiative: Prayer of the Month, written by Reverend Barbara Stanton. Each month, Reverend Stanton will craft a special prayer to help ground us in our work and inspire us as we continue to serve those in need.
We understand that the challenges we face in tackling food insecurity can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, by taking a moment to pause and reflect, we can find renewed energy and purpose. These monthly prayers will serve as a reminder of the bigger picture, as we navigate the complexities of our mission.
Keep an eye out each month for Reverend Stanton’s prayer, and let it be a source of encouragement and hope as we work together to create a future where no one goes hungry.
Thank you for your continued dedication to this important work. May these prayers strengthen us all as we strive to bring about positive change in our community.
September’s Prayer of the Month
Heavenly Father
Like the children in Oliver we say a prayer
For Food Glorious Food.
We give thanks for the generosity of those who give that extra bit more, to help those who need food now, in our time.
Inspired by scripture verse Luke 3.11: Jesus replied, “Whoever has two shirts must share with him who has none, and whoever has food must do the same”.